1055 Jordan Creek Parkway, Suite 200, West Des Moines, Iowa 50266

Skilled Animal Bite Lawyers Help Attack Victims in West Des Moines

Knowledgeable legal representation in Warren, Dallas and Polk counties

An attack or bite by any animal is frightening, painful and dangerous. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), more than 4.7 million people suffer from dog and animal bites each year. In West Des Moines, animal bite laws place liability for dog bites with the owner of the dog. With years of experience handling personal injury and animal bite cases, the lawyers at Hope Law Firm, PLC deliver skilled counsel to pursue compensation for your expenses and losses when you are attacked by an animal.

Which dogs bite?

Any dog can bite, and anyone can become an animal bite victim. Unfortunately, because of their small size and sometimes unpredictable or playful behavior, children are the most common victims of animal bites.

The amount of injury a dog inflicts varies by the breed and size of the dog. Although small dogs are often aggressive, their bite is usually less serious than larger breeds. According to the AVMA, Chow Chows, Cocker Spaniels, Jack Russell Terriers, Poodles and Shih Tzu dogs are smaller dogs known for biting behavior.

Aggressive larger dogs do more damage and are more likely to kill. German Shepherds, shepherd-mixes, Pit Bull type, Rottweiler and large mixed-breeds top lists for biting behavior. However the size of a dog does not dictate aggression. For example, hounds and Labrador Retrievers are large dogs not known for aggression or biting behaviors.

How Hope Law Firm, PLC helps you if you’re a victim

Most dog bites occur during everyday activities. If you or a family member suffers a serious animal bite or mauling from any dog, our law firm offers seasoned, responsive support. We can help you in the following ways:

  • After an animal bite or dog attack, we investigate, gather evidence and ensure proper authorities are notified. Gathering photographs and witness testimony after the attack are important if legal action is required.
  • Like any personal injury, each animal bite case is unique. The owner may be hard to locate, or the dog may have a known history of aggressive behavior. We hold appropriate parties responsible for damage caused by their animals in West Des Moines.
  • Properly valuing an animal bite injury is important. Mauling or serious animal bites cause severe injury and death. We assess the losses, expenses and long-term costs you can expect due to the attack.

If you suffer an animal bite, count on Hope Law Firm, PLC. We understand the law and what is needed successfully to seek the damages you deserve.

Our experienced attorneys help you after animal bite in West Des Moines

Hope Law Firm, PLC protects your rights and pursues compensation on your behalf if you suffer an animal bite or other personal injury. We offer free initial consultations, schedule evening and weekend appointments when needed and can meet with you in our West Des Moines office. Contact us or call 515-255-3559 today.


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